We work off a New Zealand paper [16] looking at the role of acupuncture in the treatment of reoccurring miscarriage. The treatments are once a week from when you get a positive, to week 12. We have a different treatment cost for this treatment frequency.
Acupuncture is effective in treating nausea however the complexities of pregnancy can vary the results.
The use of moxibustion was first mentioned in the year 1226 and is still used in Chinese hospitals to treat breech, however there is not yet sufficient research to date for this traditional method.
A recent acupuncture study was found to be as effective to anti- depressant fluoxetine in postpartum depression.[8]
Acupuncture has been shown to be an effective treatment in pregnancy related lower back and pelvic pain<sup[19].
This is one of our most sought after treatments with our focus being on preparing the body as best we can for labour. Acupuncture is aimed at magnifying the hormonal surges for labour, reduce back pain, physical exhaustion and mental tension and that over it felling, its like a P.T. session for labour.
Zenden’s treatment tables are designed to make you as comfortable a possible and allow for a super relaxing treatment ideal for heavily pregnant people to have some time out.